Why warm up before Yoga is necessary?

Yoga, the science of living in modern times, holds immense value and should be embraced as part of our daily lives. It encompasses various techniques that aid in calming the mind, maintaining physical flexibility, harnessing both physical and mental energy, and cultivating an integrated personality. Through yoga, we strive to establish harmony between our mind and body while balancing our emotions.


But why is warm up necessary?

Warming up the body is always essential before engaging in any exercise or yoga session. It allows you to prepare your body for the subsequent movements and postures. To begin, start with gentle yoga exercises, commencing from your toes and gradually moving up to your neck. Perform slow and controlled movements, rotating each part of your body. This gentle stretching helps loosen the muscles and warm up the joints, ensuring your body is primed for the practice of yoga asanas.

Increases flexibility and range of motion

Engaging in a warm-up routine prior to yoga enhances the flexibility of your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. By gradually loosening up these vital components, you can achieve improved flexibility and an increased range of motion. This preparation enables you to perform various yoga asanas with ease and reduces the risk of injury.

Improves blood circulation

A warm-up routine boosts blood circulation throughout your body. The increased blood flow facilitates the delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients to your muscles, adequately preparing them for the physical demands of yoga. Additionally, enhanced circulation aids in the removal of metabolic waste products, promoting better muscle function and overall vitality.

Incorporating a well-rounded warm-up into your yoga practice sets the stage for a fulfilling and safe experience. Prioritizing this vital step ensures that you can fully embrace the transformative power of yoga, nurturing your body and mind in unison.

What are relaxation exercises before yoga?

1. Quick Relaxation exercises before yoga.

A) Running in place

  • Stand in one place and loosely place both fists on your chest.
  • Begin running on the soles of your feet with your heels bending back.
  • Start slowly and gradually increase your speed, then maintain a steady pace.
  • Breathe deeply and rhythmically while running to help reduce stress on your body.
  • Continue this activity for a while.

To transition, keep a slight distance between your legs and bring your hands down to your thighs. Relax your body and let it feel loose.

B) Agnisara Or Mukhaa Dhouti

  • Lean forward a bit and place both hands on your thighs.
  • Keep a distance of about one meter between your legs.
  • Take a deep breath in and exhale forcefully through your mouth.
  • As you exhale, slowly tighten your stomach muscles and release the air.
  • Repeat this action 5 to 6 times.

C) Relaxation exercises for ankles

  • Stand straight with your hands resting on your thighs.
  • Take a deep breath in and lift both hands out to the sides.
  • Keep your arms straight and parallel to the ground as you raise them above your head.
  • Keep your arms close to your ears. At the same time, gradually lift your heels off the ground and try to balance on your legs.
  • When you exhale, lower your hands back down to the sides of your thighs and slowly bring your heels back to the floor.
  • Repeat this whole sequence five times.

D)Relaxation exercises for knees

  • Stand straight with your hands resting on your thighs. Take a deep breath.
  • Exhale and sit down as if you’re sitting on a chair, with your knees bent and pressed together. Make sure not to bend at the waist or lift your heels.
  • Take slow breaths and return to the standing position.
  • Repeat this action five times.

E) Relaxation of thighs

a) Stretching
  • Stand up straight with your hands resting on your thighs. Keep your heels together.
  • Take a breath in and sit down with your legs folded underneath you, placing your hands on your knees.
  • Exhale slowly. Sit on your heels with your heels touching each other. Pay attention to your posture. Bend your knees as far back as you comfortably can, while keeping your hands on your knees.
  • Take slow breaths and return to the standing position.
  • Repeat this action five times.
b) Thigh rotation
  • Stand straight facing a wall, ensuring there is about half a meter of space between you and the wall. Place your palms flat against the wall.
  • Now, lift your right leg and move it back as far as you comfortably can, while keeping your foot in contact with the ground. Rotate your right leg in a circular motion. Repeat this clockwise direction five times.
  • Next, do the same with your left leg. Lift your left leg back as far as possible and rotate it in a circular motion. Repeat this counter-clockwise direction five times.
  • Remember to perform the leg movements smoothly and without causing any discomfort.
c) Foot operation
  • Stand upright with your body relaxed and straight. Place your palms on your thighs.
  • Exhale as you lift your right leg as high as possible without bending the knee. Hold this position for a few moments.
  • Take a moment to pause and then exhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Next, inhale as you extend your right leg straight back as far as you comfortably can without bending at the waist. Keep your left leg straight and hold this position for a few moments.
  • Exhale and return to the starting position without bending your legs. Repeat the same sequence with your left leg. Inhale as you lift your left leg up to the left without bending the knee. Hold for a few moments and slowly come back to the initial position while exhaling.
  • Inhale again and lift your right leg to the left, keeping the leg straight. Hold this position for a few moments. Slowly exhale and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same movement with your left leg. Inhale as you lift your left leg to the right, keeping the leg straight. Hold the position for a few moments. Exhale slowly as you come back to the original position.
  • Remember to maintain proper breathing throughout the exercise and perform the movements smoothly and comfortably.


F) Relaxation exercises for waist and spine

a) Bend forward and backward
  • Take a deep breath in and lift your arms up while bending backward at the waist. Make sure to keep your legs straight without bending your knees.
  • Then, come back to an upright position and exhale as you bend down at the waist. Keep your spine straight and try to place your palms on the ground.
  • Once again, take a breath in and lift yourself up, bending backward. As you exhale, bend down at the waist once more. Aim to keep your palms on the floor. Let both of your hands reach the sides of your feet.
  • Repeat this sequence of movements four to five times. Remember to breathe deeply and maintain a straight spine throughout the exercise.
b) Side bending and waist bending
1) Side bending
  • Step apart, leaving a distance of about one meter between your feet.
  • Inhale as you lift both arms out to the sides, keeping them parallel to the floor.
  • Exhale slowly and bend towards the right side until your right hand touches the heel of your right foot.
  • Keep your right leg straight and ensure that your whole body is in one plane.
  • While in this position, turn your neck to the left and look at the palm of your left hand.
  • Take slow breaths and then return to an upright position.
  • Repeat this exercise four to five times.
  • Afterwards, do the same movement on the left side.
  • Inhale as you lift both arms parallel to the floor, then exhale as you slowly bend towards the left side until your left hand touches the heel of your left foot.
  • Keep your left leg straight and maintain a straight alignment of your body.
  • Remember to breathe steadily and perform the movements comfortably without straining yourself.
2) Bending with a squeal
  • Do all the same steps as ‘A’. The only difference is that while bending down, put the left hand on the right leg and then the right hand on the left leg.
3) twisting movement
  • Stand upright with a distance of about half a meter between your feet. Extend your arms out to the sides, parallel to the ground.
  • Without moving your feet, turn your body towards the right. Keep your right arm straight behind you, while bending your left arm at the elbow and bringing your thumb towards your chest. Look at your back hand. Exhale as you turn back to the starting position.
  • Inhale and return to the original position with both arms extended and stiff.
  • Repeat the same movement on the left side. Remember to only rotate from your waist while keeping your feet on the ground. Avoid bending your knees.
  • Increase the speed of your rotations and then gradually slow down. Take a moment to rest and relax after completing the exercise.
  • It’s important to perform the movements comfortably and without any strain.


G) Relaxation exercises for shoulders

  • Stand straight with a relaxed body posture. Keep your hands close to your body, resting naturally on the sides.
  • While inhaling, lift your right hand from behind your body. As you exhale, bring your right hand down in front of you.
  • Increase the speed of this rotational movement with your arm, and then return to the original position.
  • Repeat the same sequence with your left hand. Inhale as you raise your left hand from behind, and exhale as you bring it down in front of you.
  • Maintain a balance between your breath and the movement of your arms.
  • Perform these actions with both hands in both directions, coordinating them with your breath.
  • Keep your body relaxed and stand straight, with both hands on the sides of your thighs.

H) Relaxation exercises for Neck Relaxation

a) Stretching Exercise

  • Sit on the floor with your knees touching the ground. Make sure there is no gap between your knees, heels, or ankles. Lift your heels off the ground.
  • Bend forward and rest your forehead on the floor. Place your palms on the floor beside your head, with your fingers pointing towards your shoulders.
  • Slowly and gently move your body back and forth, maintaining your head on the floor. As you move forward, inhale, and as you come back, exhale.
  • Repeat this movement of stretching and releasing the neck 4-5 times. Remember to breathe deeply and comfortably throughout the exercise.
  • This exercise helps to relax and stretch the muscles in your neck, promoting a sense of relaxation and relieving tension.

b) Neck Rotation Exercises

a) Stand up straight with your palms resting on your thighs. Inhale, then slowly turn your neck to the right side. Exhale and bring your neck back to the center, straightening it. Exhale again and turn your neck to the left side. Exhale once more and bring your neck back to the center. Repeat this sequence of turning your neck to the right and left three times.

b) Stand up straight with your hands hanging loosely by your sides. Tuck your chin towards your chest, creating a gentle stretch in the back of your neck. Then, slowly rotate your head in one direction without straining your neck. Avoid twisting your waist, and focus only on turning your head. After completing three to four rotations in one direction, pause and then rotate your head in the opposite direction. Perform this rotation exercise three times in each direction.

c) Stand up straight and tuck your chin towards your chest while exhaling. Inhale and slowly bring your neck backward as far as comfortable. While exhaling, tuck your chin back towards your chest again. Repeat this motion of tucking and releasing your chin three times, breathing in as you extend your neck and exhaling as you bring your chin to the chest.

These exercises help to increase flexibility, release tension, and improve mobility in the neck area. It is important to perform the movements slowly, comfortably, and without straining.


I) Relaxation exercises for Spinal Relaxation –

a) Wall Support Exercise
  • Stand next to a wall. Bend down and place your hands on the floor about half a meter apart, approximately one meter away from the wall. Lift both legs up and rest them against the wall, with your toes touching the wall surface. Your body weight will be supported by your arms.
  • Keep your body straight and rigid, forming a line between your toes and palms. Inhale as you lift your neck up and lower your waist, creating a gentle stretch along your back. Exhale as you bring your head down and lift your waist up, returning to the original position.
  • Repeat this movement five times, maintaining a steady breathing pattern. To target different parts of your spine, you can increase or decrease the distance between your hands and the wall.
  • Benefits: This exercise helps to open up the respiratory tract, improve blood circulation to the scalp, and increase flexibility in the spine.

Note: It is important to perform this exercise with caution and within your comfortable range of motion. Avoid any excessive strain or discomfort.

b) Tiger Stretch
  • Start by getting down on your hands and knees, maintaining a comfortable distance between your knees and hips. Keep your arms straight and stiff.
  • Lower your waist down and lift your head up, creating a slight arch in your spine. This is the starting position.
  • Now, exhale forcefully through your mouth as you lower your head and simultaneously raise your back, lifting your spine upwards. Make sure to keep your elbows straight, without bending them.
  • Inhale as you lift your head back up and bring your waist and back down, creating a curve in your spine. Repeat this process, gradually increasing the speed of the movement.
  • Finally, lie down on your stomach, stretch your arms out in front of you, and take a rest.
  • When you perform all these movements slowly, in coordination with deep breathing, it is referred to as tiger breathing.

Note: It is important to perform the tiger stretch with care and within your comfortable range of motion. Avoid any excessive strain or discomfort in your body.

c) Lateral Stretch
  • Sit on the floor next to a wall, placing your palms on the floor beside you.
  • Lift your body off the floor and extend your legs backward, keeping your arms straight and stiff.
  • Stretch your body by arching your back, creating a gentle curve. Take a deep breath while in this position.
  • Next, lift your body and jump, bringing your legs back to the original position. Make sure to keep your arms straight and do not bend them. Exhale fully as you perform this movement.
  • Repeat this exercise 15 times, gradually increasing the speed with each repetition.

Note: It is important to perform the lateral stretch with caution and within your comfortable range of motion. Listen to your body and avoid any excessive strain or discomfort.

2. Breathing Exercises before yoga

Before starting yoga, it is beneficial to engage in breathing exercises that help slow down the breathing rate and promote relaxation. These exercises enhance body awareness and coordination between breathing and movement. Focus on exhaling for a longer duration than inhaling, as it helps to calm the mind and body.

Special Instructions: Begin by observing the movements of the arms, stomach, and neck. Move gently and mindfully. Follow the instructions for inhaling and exhaling accurately. Pay attention to coordinating complementary movements to maintain a steady breathing rhythm. As you progress, you can practice these exercises with your eyes closed.

(a) Hand Stretching Type I:

  • Stand up straight and bring both hands in front of your shoulders, with the palms pressed together and fingers pointing forward.
  • Inhale deeply while taking both arms back as far as possible, expanding your chest.
  • Exhale and bring both arms forward. Repeat this action 10 times.

(b) Hand Stretching Type II:

  • Stand up straight and interlace your fingers.
  • Inhale as you bend your arms at the elbows, bringing them in front of your chest at shoulder level. Keep the fingers straight and palms facing outward.
  • Exhale as you bring the arms back to the starting position, feeling the relaxation by placing the palms of the hands on the chest. Repeat this action 10 times. You can also perform the same action by angling both hands at 45 degrees, with the palms near the ears. Repeat the exercise with the hands on the head.

(c) Hand Stretching Type III:

  • Stand up straight with arms straight down, palms facing forward.
  • Inhale deeply as you lift the arms and balance your body on the toes, tensing the entire body.
  • Hold this position and let the arms be close to the ears, keeping them stretched. Exhale as you bring the arms back down completely to the starting position, standing on your heels. Repeat this action 5 times.

Remember to perform these exercises with a relaxed and focused mindset, allowing your breath to guide your movements. Enjoy the calming effects of slow and mindful breathing before starting your yoga.


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